Is it odd that I'm not interested in women who Wont wear thong underwear?


May 14, 2008
Personally, I'm a big fan of thong underwear. Other styles don't really do anything for me. As far as I'm concerned, if its not a thong then it's granny panties. Unfortunately it seems that lately women are wearing thongs less and things like boyshorts more. I'll admit that I think boyshorts are sexy if a girl was just lounging around her house in her underwear, but as for everyday under clothes... thongs all the way.

i don't think i could continue to date a girl once i found out she doesn't and wouldn't be willing to wear that odd? Don't get me wrong, I understand why a woman would want to wear a thong ALL the time, but for me to date her, she must wear them most of the time. I admit it's shallow, but its one of the many things I like in a woman.

It's not just a physical thing either but a reflection of her personality to me. Like, in my experience, ladies who wear thongs tend to be bubbly, sweet and fun. While the girls I know only wear granny panties are pretty cold, uptight, and b*tchy.

Anyways, I'm curious to hear everyone's thoughts. Being that I wouldn't date a girl who didn't wear thongs, I'm hoping you ladies haven't abandoned them completely! hahahaha.

Thanks Everyone!

*Also, ladies, could you please state whether you prefer thongs or if you are a granny panty gal. Whenever I discuss this with girls the thong wears think it's perfectly normal and the ones who hate thongs think I'm a jerk! haha. So, I have a feeling the thongs wearers in these answers won't have much of a problem with this but the non thong wearers will probably let me have it. lol.