Is it normal for a Scorpio to have a dark, dry, kinda disturbed sense of humour?

I'd say thats pretty much normal for anyone and if youve noticed it in other scorpio's then its probably a coincidence. But if you want to get into the whole zodiac thing, then the answer is no. That would just be speculation to say that it is a "scorpio" quality. There is no evidence nor reason to back up that theory.
Ya its common,bt dnt worry be what u are.Most important is 2 be gud by heart!
It could be, but I'm a libra and virgo (cusp thing) and I have a VERY sullen sense of humor also!! so it could be something else in our charts causing this dark dryness..
i think you should included aquarius and pisces b/c i love stuff that.. plus i have a aquarius friend who says things make make me laugh one second and the next I like wtf is wrong with this guy..

to give you a idea..