Is it me, or has this world truly.....


New member
Apr 9, 2008
.....gone mad? I swear that some of the issues plaguing the world are beyond belief. Most notably, the recent issue with the Westminster School District and transgender/transsexual elementary jr. high/high school students. Half of the board is against recognizing cross-dressing elementary/jr. high/high school students as anything else but what their anatomy dictates, while the other half of the board is for the state ruling. The district stands to lose $10 million in funding if they don't adhere to the state ruling that transgender/transsexuals should be recognized by their perceived sex in a school setting. I don't know about you guys, but I don't accept the idea of young kids cross dressing. I think that the whole idea is plain wrong, and the parents don't help by facilitating such practice. I think parental values have completely gone downhill. The issue of bathrooms came up as well. If they accept the state ruling, guys dressed as women would be able to use the women's bathroom, and vice versa. What kind of sick, twisted development is this? How are females supposed to feel comfortable in the restroom when guys can just walk in if they are dressed like women? The same applies to women in the men's bathroom as well!! I'm surprised that parents aren't in outrage over this (maybe they are, but the issue hasn't been publicized). Sex should not be an issue in the school setting. In situations like this, anatomy should be the determining factor. What are you members thoughts on this? Do you think I'm wrong for thinking & feeling the way that I do? Doesn't this whole situation not jive right with any of you? I feel that school is not the place for such activity. Would you not agree?

Your thoughts....??
I don't care what anyone says, if they've got male parts, they're a he, if they've got female parts, they're a she. I'm not going to waste my time making fun of them for a rather odd habit, but I'm not going to call them by another gender, just like I'm not going to call them Napoleon if they believe they're Napoleon.
Yeah, the world is truley messed up. Personally I don't like adults cross-dressing. The whole thing is sick. I cannot believe ppl are letting kids cross-dress. We had a bomb threat today at my college and I don't even take them seriously anymore.
a great city that has fallen to this crap is toronto. i think i was asleep when the part that states, "a man and another man can start a family in happy matrimony" was announced. i mean, what madness is this?
well this world is truly messed up but thats the human thing.
i think when a guy is cross dressing because he wants to be a woman, a transsexual, then its okay. some straight guy who dresses as a woman to go lee ladies pee is different. whats the big deal peeing in the same room as a guy who doesnt have any interest in you anyway? the world today is growing way too touchy in my opinion, and way closeminded.
kids... kids shouldnt be forced to do something they really dont want to do, like if a kid was genuinley homosexual, then you cant force him or her to try to act straight and like the other "normal" kids because no matter what, he or she wont fit in. like i dont think kids shouldnt be forced into religion. why do you think this generation is so rebelious in the first place?? being forced to be or do something you cant help but not desire, will make a person rebel beyond anyone's beleif. it creates violent people who will grow up to act on their violent feelings.
you might as well try to fit everyone in the same mold. if the individual who's crossdressing because he or she truly wants to become the opposite sex, then let them as long as its not hurting anyone. if he starts to try and convince others to do it too, yeh that'd be a problem. but he shouldnt be forced to do something thats against them personally.
that whole thing with gay marriages.. lots of controversy there... marriage is love. 2 who love and want to be united together forever, THAT is marriage.
Yup. They were born the gender they were, and they have to learn to deal with it.

When will people realize that gender and sexuality are two different things that must both be considered?

[pro-gay marriage here]
im with surginshark there...

since when does sexual preferance make a person? when does it degrade a person?

and no one should decide how others should choose to live out their life bcaseu if thats how things were, the world world wouldve been long gone by now
Luckily theres no problems like that where I live. But I do agree with you that is wrongs. The gender should always be the determining factor. The whole transexual thing is just wrong. Your basically tricking people into believing your something your not.
nothing wrong with cross-dressing, it isn't my cup of tea, but to each their own. however, anatomy should be the determining factor in deciding someone's gender, as it is by definition of gender...
if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and smells like a duck then its a freaking duck.

im not saying theyre women when theyre not, but in a non-anatomical sense theyre women right?
No offence but the reality of the situation is anyone who identifies themselves as transsexual is going to go through a living hell throughout high school. No one is going to get beat up, ridiculed, and become an outcast just so they can see some girls or boys in the change room.

As for gay marriage.. who cares if two men or women want to get married. It is none of your business. I live in Toronto and I can honestly say that the gays getting married is pretty low on my list of cares.
Someone's personal habits or preferences are fine, but school is no place to be propagating such behavior. Leave that type of activity out of the educational institutes. When you have school commission's arguing over sexual preferences of children, something is deathly wrong.
The ting about not exposing your kids to gay marriage is crap. I First of all dont believe there is anything wrong with a kid seeing a gay couple. And even if there was the kid wont know if they are married or dating. They are exposed to gays anyways.

And the world hasnt gone mad. It as always been mad
skools overreact to a lot of things. it really depends on what kind of skool it is and who's managing it. at my skool, we cant wear SAFETY pins, tanktops aka "sleeveless" shirts, anything with grommets, or eyelets, laces with metal on them, or chains or jewelry that look like they can be used for weapons. uhh, right, anything can be used as a weapon... but yeah, skools tend to be closeminded to such things, because it stirs up angry parents and they dont want to deal with that.

but i dont i think kids who're cross dressers would do it so they can be beat up or made fun of. who'd want that?

and about the marriages, whoever told you that idea that its only the young people havent been very well informed, unless theyve observed to great depth EVERY SINGLE GAY COUPLE AND PERSONS including bisexuals.
in my experience kid do these things mainly to be set apart as differant. It stems from lack of attention. However I believe that homosexuality or whatever it is being labled as these days is wrong.

But I would defend your right to be a homosexual to the point of giving my own life. Because who can say this is wrong for you, only you can judge things for yourself. So I say let them be who they are and let them make their own decisions about it.

This is only "my humble opinion"