Is it hard for people who watch Greg Giraldo to admit it is lowbrow humor?


Jun 11, 2008
Does such comedy appeal to educated people or merely the lower classes / lowbrow individuals?

I found the drug overdosed dead comic Greg Giraldo to be downright offensive. Just wondering if people can see vulgarity and disrespect for humanity for what it is, rather than to think it's actually HUMOR.

Jack Benny, Milton Berle, Bob Hope and the comedians of old never had to use profanity, attack people with disabilities or the mentally challenged nor resort to mocking religious beliefs. They took the high road and poked fun at themselves. Today, a man who was a raging alcoholic, divorced, re-married and looking at separating when he "accidentally" overdosed is considered hysterically funny by some...but clearly not all people. Was it humor or was it his own bitterness and inner demons that we saw and heard on stage? Now YOU get to be the judge, not him.
Yes, it probably is very hard for THEM to see it as lowbrow humor because that would be admitting that they are lowbrows ;-)

The term insult comic is relatively new. Comedy has evolved and they only way comedians of his ilk could earn a living is if people DECIDE to find offensive attacks on the retarded (just one example) to be funny. THEY are the ones who go to these comedy clubs and fork over money to support such things. Enough said.

I found his so called humor to be nothing more than his troubled, alcoholic life pouring out onto the stage. Brilliant? Sure. And instead of staying an attorney and helping people, he chose to pursue comedy. He got to vent every pet peeve and expose every idiosyncrasy in others and be paid to do so. Nice gig....that is, till someone gets their eye poked out....or accidentally overdoses on drugs. Oops. I don't hear anyone laughing! What's wrong? No sense of humor?