Is it Global Cooling or Global Warming in Winnipeg?


New member
Jul 5, 2008
It is -20 degrees Celsius, -4 degrees Fahrenheit today in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
On Dec. 22, 1877 it was a Global Warming High of +6.7 degrees Celsius, +44 degrees Fahrenheit.
On Dec. 22, 1884 it was a Global Cooling Low of -41.7 degrees Celsius, -43 degrees Fahrenheit.
Now in Winnipeg it is not hot or cold like 1874 and 1884, so is Winnipeg in Global "Neutral" Mode now?
Winnipeg's got Portage & Main, reputedly the coldest street corner in the world. Gotta live up to your image!

I'm currently in Ontario where it's really cold too. Even the past few summers have been way below normal termperatures. Beaches aren't being used much in the summer, but the polar bear swim is still planned for a week from Thursday. Go figure.