Is it better to go through lots of relationships and end up single or


May 14, 2008
being single the whole time? Going throgh relationships and being sad at the end or being single the whole time but happy
For the week on either side of Valentines day, it reeeaalllyyy helps to be in a relationship. The rest of the time, it doesn't really matter. But if you genuinely like the guy/girl, then what's stopping you from going out with them?
Of course go through lots of relationships! and hurt and sorrow.
So you know who the ONE is when its the right time :)
well each relationship makes you wiser and stronger and sometimes you have to go through several to find the right soulmate for you
Each relationship makes you stronger and more mature and helps you to figure out who you are as a person and what you want in your partner. So by the time you find your soul mate you will have figured out who you are and what you are looking for in life and sexual.
Just wait till you find your one and only love. Don`t push your self to love someone even if you don`t love her cause it your relationship might go wrong.