Is it appropriate for a professor to talk POLITICS in class?


New member
Sep 9, 2008
I have a college professor who likes to shoot off his mouth about politics during class. And, don't get me wrong. I have no problem with his opinions, It is the fact that he treats us all like we are children that really annoys me. For example he will say "don't vote for someone just because your mom and dad told you to."

I feel that as an adult, I am being belittled by my professor, and that he sees us as "clay to be molded."
Any thoughts?
I mean its free speech but if hes trying to talk you to be a republican in or a democrat thats not nice and if your 18-25 i mean ur not children put in a complain
I mean its free speech but if hes trying to talk you to be a republican in or a democrat thats not nice and if your 18-25 i mean ur not children put in a complain
Put in a complaint. This happened in my speech class and so many people had the same complaint that they let the professor go.
Put in a complaint. This happened in my speech class and so many people had the same complaint that they let the professor go.