is it abnormal that Im almost 21 and have never had a serious relationship?


New member
Jul 27, 2010
I had 2 stupid boyfriends my senior year of high school (almost 4 years ago), that had lasted 2 weeks and 2 months, respectively.
Since then, I am cursed with being the long term booty call. My last one lasted an entire year. Be it, it was an exclusive booty call, but booty call nonetheless.
Everyone I love is coupling up, even those who were always single with me for one fucked up reason or another...
Im always told that Im the girlfriend type. That any guy who catches me will be lucky. That I will find my husband soon. But I dont see it. Im so scared of being alone forever. I dont understand why Im the only one I know that can never get a boyfriend. I get asked out, Im always the one guys want to have sex with, to make out with ... but never more. I dont understand.