Is it a sin to be homo but don't act on it?

if you were born gay, then weren't you born as God made you? if God made you gay, then you should be able to act on it. Don't worry about disappointing other people, but if you feel you can make peace about this with yourself and God, then go for what will make you happy.

God didn't destroy the world for homosexuality. if all the crap that goes on in our world hasn't got it destroyed yet, i doubt homosexuality is going to be the cause.
OMG I dont really believe in god but if there is a god then hello didnt god make everything he must of thought of gay people genes/feelings! LOL. No do whateva u want u only live one life and who even knows if theres an after life just do whateva the hell ya want! Seriously coz u might regret it. SO MANY PPL DO BI THINGS FOR FUN!
If only I could make you understand that there's no way that you are going to hell.
Yeah, I was at the hospital the other day and they told my friends husband he was the proud father of a bouncing baby homosexual! Wow was he surprised! I was born walking and talking. No! You become whatever you become because you allow thoughts into your mind.
Prov 4:23
23Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Get your mind on something else! Protect yourself from seeing and hearing things that give you these desires. Ask God for help but don't blame him for it.