Is it a good time to purchase an SUV?


May 15, 2008
So I am considering buying a Ford Expedition. Not to sure if I want to go brand new or used. No later than 2007. I know they have a lot of good deals right now. But they might go bankrupt soon. Should I get won now or do you think there will be better deals by next year? Also, are there better deals on new than on used? Please help. Any info will be appreciated. Thanks.
I own a expedition right now so am use to paying for gas.
Just looking for a newer model.
Now is a good time. Ford is not going to hang their customers out to dry. Don't worry about bankruptcy.
The best time to buy a SUV has passed. It was 4 months ago. I would not buy a expedition. However I disagree with 1 other answer. We have more oil today than ever. In Colorado at the low estimate we have 3 times more oil than Saudi Arabia. Just research oil shale in the green river basin. I saw gas today for $1.67 a gallon, lower gas prices means higher SUV prices. Buy a 2007 Chevrolet Suburban or Tahoe, by far a better SUV than a Expedition.
people are flockign away from suv's because of gas prices.. get one will the price of gas is still very high.. though that means you will be paynig 80 bucks just to fill the tank, but there ya go
have you seen the interest rates on used car loans??? its thru the roof. I think you could buy new and get the same payment for the same length of time. that is buying a almost new car and buying a new new car.
if you dont mind the gas it will use then why not buy it. it will use a lot of gas though but gas is decreasing in price so it doesnt matter really. used Expeditions will always be cheaper than new so go for used if your on a budget. But other than that Expeditions are great SUV's and they are pretty attractive.
If you can afford gas ,why not. If you consider gas consumption check other SUV.
Yes, it is a great time to purchase a SUV. However, gas prices are still up. Better yet, if you buy American you can potentially save thousands. In the Los Angeles area, a dealership is offering brand new Cadillac Escalades for $39995. The original price for an Escalade is $56000.

If you really need a SUV, go for it!