Is it a date or just meeting with? (With a Korean woman)?


Jul 4, 2008
I am trying to figure out of my "date" on Saturday is either a date or are we just meeting up. Quick background. . .

I met this Korean woman four years ago in Europe and kept in contact over the years. Now I live in Korea and we have met up a few times. We went out for drinks with friends and Sunday to Seoul tower by ourselves. I asked her to come visit me in my part of town soon and we could go to the movies. She asked if this weekend was good. She messages me when I get up in the morning and we always message each other goodnight.

She is very westernized and is 27 years old. She hugs me when we see each other, which I have yet to meet a Korean woman that does. When I asked what her boyfriend does, she responded quickly, "I don't have a boyfriend". She is 4 months older than me, but when I mentioned my Birthday, she commented that we are the same age.

She is coming alone at 5pm to my area and we're going to a movie and drinks/dinner after. Is this a date or just meeting up? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please no stupid comments like. . ."Korean women won't date White guys, move to Japan."