Is infiniti an expensive car to maintain?


Apr 18, 2008
Is it in a similar class like Audi, BMW, Benz? I was thinking of buying one, but I am worried about future repairs. Is it expensive? I know the ones I've mentioned can be expensive to maintain, that's why I ask.

Thank you.
think of it like something between ford and bmw. it definately doesnt cost as much as german cars cost, but it wont cost as little to maintain as a ford focus.
Since INFINITI is a Japanese brand (joined with Nissan) it will technically not have repairs as expensive as German brands like Audi, BMW and Mercedes. However every luxury brand does have more expensive maintenance than non-luxury brands. However German brands have the most expensive maintenance because of their complex engineering that is not so easily understood in USA. In Germany German cars have cheap maintenance compered to American cars. See the point? for example a new transmission for a 2005-ish BMW will cost you about $5000. For Infiniti its not that much but still pretty expensive after the warranty wears off.