Is hugging an appropriate first-time greeting?


May 20, 2008
Hey, guys. Just a quick little question, because I'm beginning to think I'm the only one who things the way I do!

Anyway, I'm wondering if it's considered acceptable to use a hug as a way to say "hello" for the first time, to a person you've never before met. For example, the other day, I went to the cinema with two of my friends and one of their friends I had never met. My friends and I drove together, in my car, and we met Alex there. He knew my friends (both female) and exchanged "hello"s with each of them, and, when we were introduced, he moved in for a hug. Not just any hug, not just a quick pat-on-the-back hug, but one with his arms wrapped around my waist, and for quite a while in terms of hugs - maybe 10-12 seconds. Needless to say, I felt a little uncomfortable. I'm by no means anti-hugs, but I just don't feel that it's appropriate to touch someone (other than maybe a handshake in more formal cases) a minute and a half after you've first met. So, what do you think?

Thanks a bunch, and enjoy your night!
Not inappropriate at all as far as I am concerned. A hug doesn't cost a thing but it does give the one being hugged a warm feeling about you....>:)
Hugging is getting into someones personal space, and hugging when you have just met someone is not appropriate, especially if you do not have permission.
I certainly wouldn't want to be this physically familiar with someone I just met!
He exchanged "hellos" with your friends, women he knew, and then made a move on you whom he had just met for the very first time? This guy sounds like he's got a not so hidden agenda!
Next time you sense something like this coming, quickly extend your hand for a handshake, and hope he gets your message. (Otherwise you may end up hitting him in the stomach -- which wouldn't be a bad deterrent actually...)
Hugging a person you just met is a little over the top. Granted, it shows you are a very warm person but most people would be put off by that.
Yes, it makes a person feel very welcomed.

Answer mine;_ylt=AntnXtREXb0E3UvN4Gbl103sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110303193628AA1IW80
I am definitely anti hug unless the girl initiates it. It is something I find rather inappropriate for a Guy to do especially the first time meeting a girl. I am personally friends with chicks, even then I let them initiate it. As a guy I do not put myself in a position for any situation to be manipulated. Maybe I am paranoid but each person has there own level of Comfort.
i think you're right ... unless if the person was a relative of yours you hadn't seen yet, then the hugging would be odd ... and maybe inappropriate