Is he interested? so many mixed signals!?


Active member
May 11, 2008
i'm a college frosh, & my neighbor jason is a sexy aloof sophomore.
we met when we were both locked out of our rooms one night; we had a fun chat, & since then, he says hi to me on campus, & when i initiate convos in our lounge he seems to be into it. he'll stop & walk over to me, but still, i initiate 80% of them.

one day, i got his # & txted him inviting him to dinner with me & my friends. even tho he didn't know anyone else & it was rly last minute, he came! we talked for 2 hours about random stuff & walked beside each other on the way there & back, slightly ahead of everyone else. at one point, i asked him to say something in german (he's fluent from living abroad) but when i asked what it meant, he wouldn't tell me!

i think i've made it clear that i'm interested..that night felt like progress, but since then, he's never asked to hang out! but sometimes he shows up to parties where he knows i'll be, even tho he NEVER DANCES. & he doesn't acknowledge me there either! once i went up to him & asked "why aren't you dancing?" & he just said "i don't dance" & walked away...& i saw his roomie laughing about something right after that! what the hell?!

i tried moving on after that, but a week later he knocked on my door & offered me leftover pizza he was trying to get rid of, & we had a funny brief convo at my door about it.

last weekend i txted him "what are u up to tonight?" to which he responded "getting drunk." i didn't really know what to make of that, so i asked him if he was going to the party i was going to. he never responded, which was annoying, but then i saw him at that same party later! he walked by me at least 3x w/o saying hi. i started dancing with another guy, and i'm 70% sure he kept glancing & then finally left the area without dancing w/ anyone!

& 2 nights ago, i went into the small study room in my dorm where his roommate happened to be. 5 min later his roomie leaves abruptly and jason randomly shows up w/ his stuff & says hi... i said 'hi' back but clearly let him know with body language that we didn't have to talk...but he still made eye contact & asked "what's up?" & engaged in a friendly convo. after that brief interaction we worked in silence for a little while & the rest of the time, i initiated all the convos but he would seem into it & continue them. then after an almost an HOUR of sitting there, talking on and off, he gets up, says 'good luck w/ whatever you're doing' and leaves.

finally last night i was in the lounge talking to my friend, & jason was in there working on his paper. at one point he asked the people in the lounge who was going to the airport for thanksgiving, & i said i was, & he asked if we could share a taxi!

WHAT IS GOING ON. some days, i think he's interested. and other days, it seems like he couldn't care less.