Is he chatting with other girls? :( I will answer yours!!!!?


New member
Oct 20, 2011
Me and this guy were talking!!! And I've known him about 6 weeks now and he lives down the road but we haven't met yet but we will!!! I know his area. At first he said he really likes me etc. but listen to this!!
I said to him it feels like you don't wanna talk to me and he goes no I just get busy sometimes... Then I said ok and told him I'm sensitive he said aw you are. I call him this nickname! Mr(his last name) and I said you better think of one for me and goes yeah Mrs(his last name) he has the same last name as my mums!!! From her side of the family.. It's so weird. Then I was just messing around and I said sometimes I just wanna give Mr(last name) a big slap across his face and he said "lol come then monkey" I said ohh so you wanna call me that now!!!!! I said I hate you. Then he said no you love me and I answered back saying I hate you! Double hate you lol
He's 25 and I'm 19.

I asked him about going to the cinemas and he said he's tired from work but he will take me soon and we can watch whatever I like. I asked him to call me later and he said he would but he hasn't!!! :( he's on whatsapp and he's been online nearly all night now.. I don't know what girls he's chatting to. 😔 I feel so insecure. I sent him sleepy faces on fb but he ignored that and then I said have you fallen asleep Mr(last name) didnt reply:(
He asked me to go to the cinemas last Saturday but I couldn't because I had family around