Is downloading BitTorrent safe?


May 17, 2008
Is downloading it from the official site safe? Because Norton Anti-virus says the data on it is inconclusive. And is downloading fan-translated visual novels legal? And is downloading fan-subbed anime legal?
Downloading it from the official site is safe. Downloading fan-translated visual novels is illegal. And downloading fan-subbed anime is illegal as well.
I didn't know BitTorrent had an official download site for anything other than the BitTorrent application.

When you use BitTorrent you are downloading files from an unknown source. Someone can easily make a file that appears to be what you want, but in reality can be anything. BitTorrent is a notorious source for spreading virus' and malware.

Buyer Beware.
Well yes and no. As it is, BitTorrent had a major anti-climatic fall down and so today they still aren't reliable.
uttorrent is better but remember if you download any kind of pirated program its more than likely infected unless you download something open source also keep in mind torrents bypass normall security so your firewall will not detect a virus ntill its to late