Is Battlefield 3 superior on the PS3 or on Xbox 360?


New member
Dec 5, 2011
I am seriously considering trading in my 3 month old xbox for a PS3 because I feel as though Battlefield can be so much better (graphics). I own BF3 on the 360 and its too glitchy and sometimes takes forever for the graphics to load itself up which I though EA would have had a patch for but nothing seems to have changed. I just need to know if Battlfield is better on the PS3 because this is the only game I truly play. I am busy with sports and work most of the time but whenever I'm free I completely neglect Halo, Gears 3, and Madden. I have no problem trading my 360 but I just need to know if the graphics are superior on the PS3 with Battlefield.
They have the same graphics but Battlefield with probably run smoother on the ps3 because it use's blueray discs which can hold more space.
Only marginally and even that not noticeably.

PS3 version will look slightly better and the online will be free at least, but both version are just watered down version of the PC version.
PC Version has superior visuals, support double the players at 64 people in one match, and has larger maps overall. You can go for the PS3 version but the only thing you will find better are the visuals which are just barely. Not worth the time or the money if you want my advice. Just stick with what you have otherwise you would just be throwing away money for nothing pretty much.
They are exactly the same but ps3 version only uses one disc because bluray discs got more space
A tip for the 360 version: install the game to your hard drive and install the HD stuff
Well on the Xbox 360 version you have to install an HD Texture pack to make your game look good and that takes up memory space. And on the ps3 you dont need to install the texture pack as it comes installed in disc.
I have it on pc and ps3.
I've personally had an xbox and ps3 version side by side and I couldn't notice much for graphics but my game always loaded faster on my ps3 then my buddies xbox.
I very rarely play it on ps3 though, PC is where it's at.
I think Ps3 is the best option for playing this game. It Seems fantastic on the PS3 and the multi player is incredible. I have not been able to avoid playing since getting it. The audio and graphic are reason enough to buy this game. I have been a fan from day one, and this game does not dissatisfy.