Is anyone else tired of some "wwe fans" whining about how today's ppv sucked?


New member
Dec 15, 2010
Is anyone else tired of some "wwe fans" whining about how today's ppv sucked?

They're never satisfied with anything.
The rock can come back, rock bottom John Cena, and they would still find a way to hate it.

Anyone else agree with me?
Some of them are cena fans, yeah, but what irritates me even more is that some fans of the Rock are doing it too.
Don't take it personal, I already accepted fans here can't be satisfied no matter what. I remember one pay per view a while back, WWE gave them everything they wanted all in one night, and there was still whining. Truth is, WWE has put on a string of 5 or 6 straight pay per views that were high quality.
Did I pay 50 Bucks to see Cena get his ass beat for 15-20 minutes of that match??
I'm really tired of it. They are lucky the rock even return to wrestling. Bunch of whiny bitches just don't watch wrestling I'm getting tired of them every ppv like nothing is good enough for these fans these days
I didn't think it sucked, I thought it was a solid 6.5/10.

But it's still Survivor Series, WWE could've done so much more with some of the show, especially with the main event and with the 5v5 matches.
The PPV was awesome, but just ended terribly imo. The Rock was on fire and the crowd was behind him 100%. Punk and Del Rio was the match of the night imo.
It's not all Cena fans. It's this section in general. Every PPV, no matter if it's the WWE or TNA, is the same: "Worst PPV of all-time!" this section whines. It's been like this for the past couple of years, as the user-base gets younger and younger.

The sad thing is most of those doing the whining and complaining didn't pay for the PAY Per View. They stole it via some "stream" THEN complained it "sucked". Like always.

It doesn't matter which WWE performers you're a fan of, the show had something for everybody and it didn't "suck".