Is anyone ( anyone that is saved through Jesus Christ ) being attacked by a


New member
Jan 28, 2011
ghost , Evil Spirit or Demon ? Does your Bed or chair vibrate ? Do you see things move that should not be moving ?
Thanks for the reply's . I'm trying to figure out if I have lost my mind and don't realize it . I moved into a haunted house 3 years ago and I had experienced a Paranormal event . I have moved 3 times in 4 years and am haunted every where I go . I rededicated my life to Christ this month and the attacks got worse . I'm at the end of my rope and don't know what to do . John
I have rebuked it a thousand times . I have learned some things about Spiritual Warfare . Claiming the Blood of Jesus , Saying I'm under God's Protection , That I have done nothing wrong and the Devil is a Lier . I am a sinner but I try to obey the commandments every day and I find it easy . Am I being persecuted for my faith ? or am I being tested ? I don't know and I need answers before I do lose my mind .