Is a car repair place (in Michigan) required to disclose all broken parts they


New member
Mar 20, 2009
discovered in their service? I recently took my vehicle to a local car repair shop.

They replaced the radiator.

2 weeks later, I was very low on trans fluid...confirmed by an unbiased 2nd repair place to be the result of a bad radiator repair done recently (without me myself even mentioning that I indeed had recent radiator repair work done).

The original car repair place then fixed the issue for free.

Now 3 weeks or so later, I realize I'm leaking oil. I take it in to yet a different and also unbiased car repair place (had other work being done also). They informed me that the oil was leaking from a hose connecting to the radiator, a connection to the radiator, or from inside the radiator itself. They couldn't get too specific without having to charge me labor, due to how my vehicle would have to be dismantled to check it out more thoroughly.

So I called the original place. Told then that it's likely their fault again.
No all of a sudden, more than a month after they fixed my radiator the first time, and 2 weeks after a 2nd repair from their shotty work the first time... he says
"well, to tell you the truth, we noticed a hose connecting to your radiator was leaking when you first brought it in. But that's not what we were there to fix. So we just connected it to the radiator like we agreed to with you. And so if that's what's leaking currently, then I can't repair that for free. If it's a bad connection, or the radiator itself, I'll repair it since that's what we fixed. But the hose was already damaged when you brought it to us."

Now, I'm not a schmuck. Fool me once, shame on me...
I think this guy's a weasel, and I'm going to ask to be shown exactly what the cause is, when I bring it to him tomorrow, and/or tell him to fix it, regardless..


But I'm wondering, let's say this guy is telling the truth...that this hose was leaking before I ever brought it to him, more than a month ago. Which means it was also leaking when I brought it to him to fix the bad repair job he did...

Are vehicle service centers required BY LAW to disclose all faulty parts they find, while servicing a vehicle?????

It makes 100% common sense, and is 112% for-sure a good business practice (and hell, it gets them more work to do, which is why most service places go out of their way to look for extras to tack on - which is why I think he's lying in the first place)........

But is it required BY LAW, for a vehicle repair facility to inform the driver of any other faulty parts besides what's been agreed to be serviced, that they discover while working on a vehicle???
I live in Michigan.
by law im not sure but generally they will tell you if you have another problem either to get more work from you or atleast cover themselves from you bringing it back blaming them. I build radiators for a living in michigan and most of the shops we sell to gladly tell you what you need repaired. For whats its worth I wouldnt go back there even to have it repaired for free. Good luck