Is 1080p false advertising on a blueray with 2.35 aspect ratio?


New member
Jan 21, 2011
Before you give me the aspect ratio lecture, know that you will be immediately disqualified from best answer if you do. I understand the need to preserve a movie in its original format, but when you downsize the movie so that it can vertically fit 1920 vertical lines, you get just over 800 horizontal lines. That's almost 400 lines of horizontal resolution that are not displaying an active image (black bars). So shouldn't these movies be listed as 817P ?

Also the argument that you could get a 2.35 aspect ratio TV still would not generate an extra 383 lines of resolution... up scaling would be involved.

I'm calling false advertisement
@ Gkk I agree it would cause confusion, but that's what the movie industry has been playing on, peoples confusion. It's time people realize exactly what they're paying for. They have brainwashed people into believe that less is more. Any scene you need to fit abundant horizontally spanned content into can be achieved with 16:9 aspect ratio by pushing a magical button on the camera placed their by mythical gnomes many many moons ago... a button they named in their native tongue "ZOOM OUT". I have no idea what that translates to in English but I do know that when this secret hidden button is pressed not only can you capture all the content you desire, but you actually get extra content on the top and bottom of the screen where there would normally be black bars. ^^