ipod bluetooth internet hotspot?


May 14, 2008
hi is there some kind of wifi where ever you go hotspot maker for the ipod that uses bluetooth to connect. Something that might plug in to the lightning connector to connect or something that will let you connect to a network the way an ipohne enables the ipod to connect to a network with blue tooth. Mabye even another version of the apple peel. Any advice regarding how to connect to a network service or wifi service and stay connected wherever you go would really help.Money not a big issue, no iphones though, and if the bluetooth thing uses cellular networks and a monthly plan will they work with prepaid plans?
I have mobile WiFi through T-Mobile, I am pretty sure that it is available prepaid (though mine is a part of my contract). It is really only used at home, but it is a very small device that you can take anywhere (I have when necessary).

EDITED TO ADD: It does not plug into the iPad/iPod and it does not connect via bluetooth but does connect wirelessly.
What you imagine does not exist. You obviously don't understand the basics of bluetooth.