iPhone Apps Stuck Installing?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I'm on the latest version of iOS, and currently a large number of my apps are "stuck" installing. I've attempted everything on the following thread to fix the issue, and can't seem to find anything else that suggests different solutions that work, either. I'll put the link to the thread in "additional details" a minute or so after the question publicly posts.

I'm sure deleting the apps and reinstalling would work, just as I'm sure resetting to factory settings and doing everything over again from there would work. Unfortunately, there are certain apps that are "stuck" that losing data on would be exceptionally inconvenient, and involve hours of hassle to remedy the situation should I end up losing data.

Anyone have any ideas? First person to post a solution which works will get "best answer".
The link is: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4387025?start=15&tstart=0
Just delete the app turn your phone off reboot then try it again and also clear the multitasking bar