iPhone 5 looks like iPhone 4?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I recently bought an iPhone 5 from eBay but it looks like IPhone 4?? Even in setting it says it is an iPhone 4 ? Could this be a technical glitch
According to me, The iPhone 5 is much better looking than the iPhone 4 and Its design is also much better than the iPhone 4. Its features are much better than the Iphone 4's features such as it runs on iOS 5 Operating system, long battery life, huge touch screen, WiFi connection, etc.
Compare the size of your phone with an iphone4 and if they are the same size, then you've been scammed. the iphone5 is a little taller than the iphone4 so if you phone is taller than an iphone4 then you're good, but if it's not then you have a prob