Iphone 4s: Will jailbreaking my iPhone help regain the missing 3 gigs? I have a...


New member
Jul 26, 2008
...16gb iPhone and it says 13gb.? So I bought an iPhone today 16gb version. When I opened everything, it looked perfect. Till I checked the settings. It said I have 13.1GB available. Where is my missing 3 gigs? I checked my total usage and it only said there was 490MB used. And that the whole phone's capacity was 13.6GB. Is it the software that's causing this? That's what I've heard but I'm not even sure. Is the ordinary iPhone software and the apps that comes with apples cause this missing memory to be used? Will jailbreaking also help? Maybe if I get a new jailbroken software, it won't be as much as the one where I lost 3 gigs. I really don't know, but help me anyone please? I need suggestions as fast as possible. Thank you.
No. Those 3GB are for storing iOS & other important system files. You would never be able to regain those GB & for good reason.

For the record anything with an OS on a HDD/SSD will be like that. Don't get all the advertised space, again for good reason, though some devices take it to extremes like the Microsoft Surface tablet.
It has to do with formatting, you're not going to get that 3 gigs back by jailbreaking it, it's just not going to be there.
Apple does this to create the hardrive software to run the iPhone. DO NOT tinker with it! This could result in your iPhone to stop working. Without some drivers, the iphone will be as worthless as the dirt on the sole of your shoe.