IPad mini, Android tablet, nintendo, or Sony for portable gaming?

May 24, 2011
Cost is a factor:**
My phone is too slow.**
Number and quality of games are also a factor.**
What do you recommend?**
I hope to get an answer soon so I can make a purchase today.**
If I got a tablet, it would be a google nexus 7 or an iPad mini... I know these do more, but this device would focus on games. I also know ps vita is powerful, but games are expensive! And probably require physical media for each?*
Hi there,
I have a nintendo DSi and its good for gaming but you have to buy the games which can be about $39-$100 each. Which soon adds up. Ipad mini is just like an ipad but small and you can get free games on it but need wifi.
Personally i wouldn't go back from apple. Apple is great! Ipods are also great for Gaming as they are small.
Cheers Lydia
I know the ps vita's cool and all, but just go with an Ipad Mini. They have a SHIT-TON of games in the app store so there's no shortage there.