IPad apps for Digital Recording (Video)?


May 14, 2008
I am going to make a short film with some of my friends, not this weekend, but the following. One problem I am currently facing is that my camcorder does not have a microphone input. So , I guess I am going with my other alternative, getting a digital recorder and matching the audio up in post. I have a REALLY low budget. The highest I could go is maybe $100, and I was wondering if there were maybe any good applications for the IPad that I can use as a digital recorder. I already have a mic, so no worries about that.
P.S. My camcorder is a Sony Handycam DSR-SX65 ( i know, it sucks -.- but it's what i have :/ )
Please help! Preferably an app, but if not, I can order one. Just keep in mind my time limit!