Interesting Approaches to a Research paper?


May 14, 2008
I am writing a research paper for my AP english class and i have and interesting idea for a topic. I want to do it on whether extraterrestrial life exists (i believe it does). However, all the information I have found so far is pretty much the same. I was thinking on specifically writing it about the theory that ancient civilizations (like the egyptians and mayans) got their technology from extraterrestrial beings. Are there any reliable sources i can get information from? PLEASE HELP!!!
P.S. if you do not believe it exists keep your opinions to yourself please i only need to know if there are any reliable sources.
Thank you!
I agree, this topic is very interesting. But research papers are based on research of facts. Anything in a documentary or written down about aliens existing is pretty much 90 percent speculation and I don't think you will find a reliable source. I watched a few ancient Ancient Aliens episodes :) and I love Joe Rogan, but the topic isn't really rooted in any concrete fact. I would advise that the teacher is looking for you to develop a topic that allows you to use a bunch of different sources and show research. Try doing it on the existence of God. Maybe just as interesting.