Interested or Annoyed? 10 points best answer?


New member
Mar 20, 2011
He's 16. I'm 15.5. Same grade. I know I'm young btw.
We go to separate schools, and we've known eachother (we are neighbors) for about 7 years now. We used to be close friends and hung out all the time, but then drifted apart for about 3 years. We started talking about 3 months ago. While he talked to my friend she non-chalantly asked about me and he said he really didn't know me. While him and I talked I mentioned maybe we should skype or talk or hangout or something and he always says maybe or idk, or i'm an awful conversationalist.

Well. Last night I told him I liked him. Heres how it went.

Me: Listen... I need to tell you something.
Him: What do you need to tell me?
Me: I like you.
Him: Hmm.. But we haven't hung out or anything
Me: I know. Maybe we should hangout then?
Him: I guess.
Him: Or you could come to *his school*?
Me: I know, but my parents would never allow it.
Him: Why?
Me: Because my sister hated it and they think my school is better academically..
Him: Idk. i'm doing pretty well and getting good grades.
Me: I know. But they'd still never go for it. We can still hang out though... If you want to..
Him: I guess.
Me: Do you want to go for a walk or something?
Him: Maybe
Me: Why only maybe?
Him: Idk.

That's how it ended.
Do you think I sound too needy? I was nervous so my friend told me a lot of what to say, such as, why only maybe? ... I thought it sounded needy. He didn't say no or anything to me saying I liked him. But do you think that he was annoyed? What do you think he was thinking? :)

10 points best answer.

BTW - I know the my schools better academically part sounds snobby. I didn't mean for it to come out that way. His schools public, mines private. :(
just keep tryin til he says yes or no.. then give it up fast so he sticks around haha j/k
Hahahahahah this guy wants you to switch schools????

Hunny, I swear in 3 years you'll be embarrassed by this whole conversation.
He's not interested in you. Period.