Infra's how-to-be-a-Baller-guide


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Allright you foos, follow these steps and you're guaranteed to be rollin with the likes of Infraz and Chimp in no time. But you need to step your ATTITUDE a little bit and take a look at what kinda mess you're in. So DON'T BE A JACKOFF AND LISTEN UP SON, CUZ I'M NOT REPEATING THIS SHIZA TWICE!!!


Allright . . . . . first, an example of what a Baller IS. Some of you may not be familiar with the term. So let me make it simple for all you foos out there, a Baller is someone who gets what they want, when they want, brags about it, and NO YOU CAN'T DO A DAMNED THING YA SISSYS!!!!

So an FYI . . . . . . THIS individual is a TRUE BALLER TO THE CORE!!!

Watch first how he's playing the famed Warcraft III Battlenet game called "DotA" for "Defense of the Ancients." You can google this if you want. So the initial thought is . . . . WHAT A DAMNED NERD/GEEK/FREAK/LOSER/PUSSY. Warning: THIS IS NOT TRUE AT ALL!!!!! Notice how he just outstares grandma when she comes in? He doesn't even budge. First sign of "don't you dare tell me what to do women.

Afterwards, watch carefully at all of the SMOKING HOT BABES just sitting there, obediantely, as if they wanna be there. That's another sign of Ballerdom -- getting your bf/gf to learn their place -- THAT'S RIGHT -- YOU HEARD ME. So it works like this: he gets his friends together, they bring their girls. They plat DotA all day; the girls wait without complaining. Then they do the YOU-KNOW-WHAT afterwards. Then what happens next is even more interesting, but may be overlooked by all you non-Ballers right now.

The main dude (the DJ) basically goes out at night with a bunch of chicks, gets them drunk, etc, etc, etc . . . . DOES HE CARE ABOUT HIS RELATIONSHIP??? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! Seriously, the amount of POON he's getting clearly shows his dominance over the world around him -- that's a quality of a true Baller that needs to be honed over time; the ability to get others to do what you want them to, whether it's one person or a whole group.

So, that's the synopsis. Watch the video repeatedly; you'll understand. If not, you SERIOUSLY have problems. SERIOUSLY. But then again not everyone can become a real hardcore Baller so I suggest you keep something else in mind for now, like maybe a servitor position in life or whatever. I could care less.

So, let's go through some of the BASIC steps (yes, these are primitive steps for those who are naturally "hindered"):

1. Don't be a pussy. []

2. Don't let people push you. Push them back. With their head towards the ground. []

3. Don't be scared to talk trash. If someone talks back, KTFO THAT FOO. []

4. Learn MA. Fight with the MA. Become the class badass. Then become the local badass by kicking the badass of the most badass team besides yours. []

5. Get yourself a decent ride, whether it's fast, nice, or both (recommended). Higher-up brand names are a plus, such as BMW, Porsche, etc. And MAKE DAMNED SURE YOU SPAM THE IMPORTANCE OF YOUR RIDE TO YOUR PREY(S). []

6.Go race some cats. If you win, you've got the bragging rights. If you lose, break his car, then break his face. Then you're bound to get bragging rights either way; the second also generates fear and respect and gets you further up into Ballerdom. []

7.(if male) Get lots of chicks while they're on substances. The more at once, the better. (if female) Do whatever fits your bill. Chicks are too random for me to make on general rule of thumb. []

8. Make damned sure you don't get sucked into this "love" business or whatever other names they've come up with. Just consumer marketing ploys. Go find more birds . . . see if you can kill a few with just one stone (this is representing youself for you metaphor noobs). []

9.Learn to properly wield your bragging rights. Learn to manipulate, adapt, SURVIVE, especially against rival Ballers or aspiring-Ballers. Perpetuate your skills and everything else amazing about yourself by over-inflating whatever the hell you're talking about, but do so like a Ninjer almost. Old schoolers, knock newcomers outta their damned seats cuz we can't get our places taken. []

10. Repeat Process. If you don't, then you're certainly not cut out to be a real, hardcore Baller that's representin. []



1. Infrazael
2. Chimpcheng

i did'nt mean it in a bad way you two are very comical keep it going and if i can contribute ley me know how
Yeah I'm trying to figure out how I blew ToS on that.. nothing wrong with the pics...

its probably being interpretted as personal attacks going back and forth.. but thats not really the case.. Its more a case of busting each others chops for fun and showing off the baller-isms of this ballin thread.
“I am an evil giraffe, and I shall eat more leaves from this tree then prehaps I should, so that other giraffes may die”
Ya know, I was going over this again and this just gets me confused, women do play mind games like crazy, why is that?

I had an ex that I was dating for two years, asked her to marry me, then she said we had to break it off even though we got along great, a month after we broke up she called me back up and asked if I wanted to get back together, told her I couldn't as I was heading out, she sent me a letter asking to get back together just to have some fun, which wasn't happening at that point so...

What was up with that BS? Why those types of mind games that F with a guy who's being sincere, what's the point and purpose? There's gotta be some explanation other than I said the first thing that came out, isn't there?
AWWW YEEAAH BOYEEEE!! DIZ BE Necrothreadmancy 2 da full3st y0!

*throws up eastside*