Indian Dog Owners: What do you feed your dog?


May 18, 2008
I've seen many Indians feeding milk/curd etc to their dog, which is not only species inappropriate but also harmful. Dogs are lactose intolerant.
Now, I know that not even rice and roti are the best of food, but atleast avoid milk/curd and feed them this instead. This comes start out of Maneka Gandhi's Kitchen.
"In the morning, rice & dal.
In the early noon chappatis, dal,
soyabean (which is soaked overnight so that it is edible and then crushed by hand at home before it is put in;
you can use nutrinuggets as well but these are more expensive), two different vegetables
(kadu, lauki, green
beans, gobi, bandhgobi or whatever is in
season). This is cooked with a base of oil, onion,
garlic, dhaniya and haldi.
At night, they get
biscuits( made of a mixture of bajra/soya/wheat flours with a
little sugar and salt) with dal or vegetable stew.
Note: That was a complet vegan menu. I don't advise vegan diet for dogs and cats. So, instead of just rice and dal in the morning, I advise meat/fish/egg along with it.
Note: This suggestion was for vegeterian dog owners who feed their dogs food like curd and milk, or owners who can't afford good quality dog food like Taste of the Wild (Rs5400 for 15kgs)