inconsiderate husband who knows what makes me annoyed and intentionally...


New member
Jan 5, 2009
...say them to annoy me cos 'it's funny'.? Hi, I want some advice please…

I have been with my husband for almost 9 years now (got married last year). But sometimes I feel that he is so inconsiderate. He always intentionally says things to hurt me and to annoy me.

He always makes fun of me, e.g. he calls me stupid, useless, he calls me crazy, he calls me short, fat, ugly. I asked him why, he always says he’s only joking and that im too sensitive, but I don’t find them funny, really. after one time, two times, three times, I can forgive what he said. But the fact that he keeps on and on is starting to hurt me. like:

2 weeks before: he called me ‘short, over-weight with crazy bmi’.
Last week, I got offered a new job after 6-months of job-hunting. Out of all people, he’s supposed to be the most supportive one because he knows how stressed and unhappy I’ve been at my current job. But he said that my new job is rubbish and that I shouldn’t leave my current job just because he wants a baby as soon as (it’s to do with maternity pay only available after being at the job for 6months)
This week: we were watching Two And A Half Men on tv, and when he saw Charlie’s girlfriend, he made a mean comment about the girl on tv: ‘You have nice b00bs!’ in a sexy stupid tone!

I am his wife, why would he do that. I just want him to love me for who I am and appreciates what he has. If he wants, he can find someone else so he doesn’t have to hurt me ever again. I’ve tried to talk to him many times before, but he can’t seem to change. What should I do?