In your opinion what is the most absurd religion?


New member
Nov 28, 2009
What religion do you think is the most"out in left field"?

What religion believes the most silly things?

What religions beliefs is almost the opposite of your beliefs?

Do you think a certain religious belief is just ridiculous?

This is YOUR opinion.

By answering this question you are NOT being hateful or judgmental in any way.
It's a tie between fundamentalist Christianity, Amish, and Scientology, with standard Christianity following closely behind
Christianity is the one I know best and I find it difficult to believe that any other religion can surpass it in terms of sheer absurdity. Islam is more openly violent these days, but that's only because Christianity had to temper its hysteria in order to survive in cultures that eventually embraced secular values. If there is a God, I'm sure IT is nothing like what any of these religions claim.