In what ways can the United States be argued to be "exceptional"?


Jun 1, 2008
In what ways can the United States be argued to be "exceptional", in comparison with Japan, France, Germany and Britain?
It went past a regional power, to a world power, to creating a new category of super power status in less than 200 years from it's inception though technology innovation and capital investment. Technology like flight and space travel are lead by the US.

Japan is dam good at reverse engineering and at innovation with many personal electronic items.

France and the UK are not quite what they used to be, Germany is the leader in Europe.
While we are all part of the extraordinary world that Almighty God Jehovah created, the United States of America has a history of compassion, generosity, patriotism, hard-workers, hard-players, and family traditions. All countries have their strong points and citizens of them have every right to be just as proud of their nation.
Freedom, aka capitalism.
And FYI, those countries wouldn't be as good as they are today without "US Imperialism".
So suck it up, Canadian.
We've got the entire world to subscribe to a currency that we alone have the power to print up out of thin air. That's pretty incredible I think.