In two years.

did anyone by chance see SniperSlayer's thread about technology being the "Devil's son"?

I have to agree. It just makes people lazier, less motivated to actually do any type of work, and gives them the idea that they can sit on their ass and get whatever. And in a lot of ways its true. People can sit on their ass at a computer and make ass loads of money. Or they can argue about politics on offtopic, which is a lot more exciting than making money.
So how old really is this? They started to work on doing that about 6 months to a year ago.

Way to be... :tdown:
I've seen some pictures of old samarian clay tablets that show a picture of the solar system.. the sun in the middle and the right number of planets including nibiru and pluto.. and other VERY interesting thing that make you think "How would they know that stuff?" and an egyptian one that shows people looking up into the air at a triangle shaped object with 3 people inside. It reallly makes you think. Not to mention that we HAVE seen something at the end of our solar system. Along with how bad of Hurricane's, Floods, and Earthquakes thats are becoming more frequent.... i'm a believer
Opec isn't stupid, they will keep letting the price go up until were just about to break, then either keep it there or move it back down. Why would they let it go to $12 and ruin our economy further so their #1 customer won't buy it from them?
Yea simple supply and demand. The supply isn't that low, were not running out of grass like all of the damn "green" people say, it the speculation thats driving the prices up. Gas will get up to about $6 a gallon or so and the average americans will start cutting back, riding bikes, car pooling ect. Doesn't seem like that would do much but when the majority of america is using 5 gallons of gas a week instead of 10 or 15 (random numbers) the demand will drop dramaticly and prices will drop back down. Won't be the next depression just a period of economic low. So my solution for high gas prices...have the goverment get the fuck out of it and let the proven free market fix it

Ive read 2 pages of this thread and am amazed at how stuipd some people in st are:

You sir a severly misinformed and obviosly don't understand anything about the goverment or economics. Talk shit about america all you want, but lets face it there isn't really anyother country/goverment thats any better.
ya i thunk dis like a wile ago w/ my bology teachier and she sad that the gas cost wil go up like alot and ppl wil go crzy n streike. then walmart price goes up alot cuz no1 wil trinsport da goods to dem.

fuk america fuk govermint fuk fukin fggts.
srsly inarchy wood b aprety good ide.
Nice logic, but sorry to tell you gas won't be gone in 15 years, probly not 150, althrough by then we'll probably have another energy source.

Well said, althrough i don't know where your coming from on the water thing

i agree with you on that too many teenagers and young adults in this day and age just read all the media shit and listen their liberal teachers and just blindly follow their views instead of forming their own.

I can see where your coming from their but its the same type of thing as communism and socialism, sounds great on paper but would never work in the real world due to the human factor.

Hope you forgot the :dodgy: but its st so hey, you probly didn't

I know you forgot the :dodgy: and btw please don't get mad at my grammer, its freakin 1am
thats only if we pull the troops out of iraq. that was on the news like last year...

anyways there are other types of fuel....many other types...
you know I could sit here for 20 minutes and pick this post apart word by word. Checking and rechecking. But I dont want to. So I will say this, you are not correct on 100% of the stuff you just said.