In the UK, really?

lol If you read my posts you'd find i'm not debating with you, because that would give validity to the foolishness your spurting, but if you pay attention to the way i'm speaking you'd find i'm only stating facts if you agree or not with what i'm saying, it's up to you.

With regards to living in london, I live in London but only obey Allah's shariah because it is applicable where ever I go as a muslim. As long as I'm ordered with nothing that is against the shariah then I have no issue, hence why when I go to work when the prayer time comes I stop work and pray, if I also wish to take 4 wives I'll do so, but I'd marry in the mosque rather than the registry office, hence why if my wife chooses to wear niqab she will also do so, hence why most the converts to Islam like myself from an english background. Also did you know the majority of the converts in the UK are women, so if we the muslims are so oppressive why are english or western women coming to Islam in multitudes and making the choice to cover which husband is forcing them to do this when they are not married and live in the west? I highly doubt a woman covering up and having shyness especially a convert with no husband or muslim family is being forced to do so, but the one good thing that does come from the negative sterotypes Islam has from ppl like you, is that more muslim women are waking up and covering up and more non muslims like I once was are coming to Islam.

One more point on the covering up of women it is actually their choice, nobody forces them to cover, how can you live in England and your husband who the government doesnt even recognise your marraige force you to cover up with all the freedoms in this country, if she was being forced she could easily call the police for this is harrasment surely, also the fact is whenever I see a muslim woman walking down the street covered they look queens compared to the women muslim or non muslim that don't cover, I've never seen any female member of the royal family walking down the street in a miniskirt, and alhamdullilah our muslim women each and everyone of them we consider them as queens/noble women/women of class and the fact that they choose to cover themselves so that every Tom, Dick and Harry can't see them is testimony to their royalty and high regard for themselves.

islam in london brixton mosque pt8 salafis pure islam - YouTube

Why women wear Hijab? - YouTube

Why Muslim Women Wear the Veil - YouTube

Conversion from Judaism to Islam Wearing HIjab - YouTube

Behind The Veil Of A Oppressed Woman Part 2 [HD] - YouTube

" In these early accounts, Robin Hood's partisanship of the lower classes, his*Marianism *and associated special regard for women, his outstanding skill as an*archer , his anti-clericalism"

Sounds like an excellent example for the committed martial artist to follow.

" In popular culture, Robin Hood is typically seen as a contemporary and supporter of the late-12th-century kingRichard the Lionheart , Robin being driven to outlaw during the misrule of Richard's brother*John *while Richard was away at the*Third Crusade ."

So not infact a real outlaw just a loyal subject to the true king of england.
Its not the same for women in a strict muslim state like saudi arabia now is it.
Talking of supernatural though a house I was living in was haunted, stuff moving around, weird noises etc. In the end we had to get it exorcised. Problem was I couldn't afford to pay their bill. In the end the house was repossessed.
I'm confused what are you trying to prove by this, but you'd find this shows that Islam works, because these men and women shouldn't have been alone together Islamically, which means none of this would have happened, you'd only be able to find a few of these cases in the lands of the muslims. I could bring up thousands of rape cases in the UK and the west so your points are just a bit childish come on now Fusen come better than that.

This is just one of many cases

I'll bring you more but put it this way I used to run a table in stratford giving out information on Islam and we used to see 5 people at our table become muslim every sunday 3 minimum.

Islam the fastest growing religion in the world. - sheikh yusuf estes - YouTube

FOX TV News - Islam World Most Growing Religion 2010 - YouTube
The girl was kidnapped, raped and then punished in court for being alone with her kidnappers.

Its the being punished in court thats the problem
Ok so she was punished in a court of a system that implements bits and pieces of shariah but they call it shariah court for namesake I don't see how this proves your point. Whereas my post shows that western soldiers that represent freedom and democracy were raping and tourturing women as usual, if you want I can show you other links where they are torturing little kids and women and the elderly but we all know this is happening, and all in the name of democracy it's laughable really hw someone can claim to stand for something they really don't.

You should know that there is know muslim country in the world where shariah is implimented in it's totality but the muslim people have this in their prayers that one day we will recieve such an honorable government in the lands of the muslims. As of nw we are ruled by secularism but as you can see with these arab uprisings the muslims are waking up so inshAllah shariah is not far nw from the muslim lands and a righteous ruler. But these rulers in the muslim lands of present even their being muslim is being questioned by the scholars of Islam and some scholars are actively calling the muslims to topple these rulers that don't rule by shariah, So dnt assume because saudi do certain things that this is Islam as the rulers of Saudi even them being muslim is debated by the scholars of Islam.
This point is a very silly point as this comes down to morality they have a higher level of whats morally acceptable socially in Saudi than in the west, you see it as strict, but if people from the amazon or certain places in africa were to come the west and start walking around naked they would be arrested for indecent exposure but the people being arrested would probably say the west is to strict.

This again shows why Humans need Islam because right and wrong stays the same whereever you may be with Islam, but without Allah's Law everything is up for debate.
I've yet to see a modern secular government advocate mutilation of women. Nor for that matter killing victims of rape (or worse yet, forcing them to marry their attackers).

If you've got to keep away from newly invented matters, shouldn't you be avoiding the whole computer thing?

Sorry, in which society does this actually happen? Do you honestly believe that's how a secular society works?

Genuine question, because if that is honestly what you believe then you have demonstrated your complete ignorance of society, and it's pretty pointless arguing with someone so close-minded.

An outlaw who was made an outlaw by an usurper king while his brother was fighting the crusades. Now, there are lots of other shades of grey involved, but it really isn't as simple as you appear to believe. Robin was a loyalist.

So according to your religion which apparently never gets reinterpreted or rewritten, morality never changes as new discoveries are made? If we find a better way to do something, we shouldn't do it because it isn't in some old book? If we find that a way we are doing something is causing harm, we should keep at it because the book says so?

Nope, you are arguing. You may not understand what the word means but you are definitely arguing.

You're also wrong about his religion, and the god he serves. I think he made it pretty clear where he stands on religion and gods. Trying to stick a label on him so you can understand what's going on is simply going to make you look foolish.

Okay. Let me get something completely straight here.

This was a case where a man and a woman who were doing nothing more than sitting alone together in a car were abducted, gang-raped, and then sentenced to jail time.

And your answer to this is that 'Islam works, because they shouldn't have been alone together'? That's your answer.

I'm speechless. There is actually no rational or irrational argument against such insanity. It is so clearly morally bankrupt, in fact downright evil, as a response that there really is nothing more I can say.

Well, they wouldn't start walking around naked for one thing - it's a little chilly for that.

They also would be arrested for indecent exposure by being quietly taken to a police station, an interpreter found, some clothes given to them, a cup of tea, and then let go once everything was cleared up. At worst they might have a night in the cells.

It's a slightly different scale of response to sentencing someone to lashes for not wearing a head scarf.

Actually right and wrong generally stays the same everywhere. Right is things which benefit society as a whole. Wrong are things which harm society as a whole.

I think I know which one your religion (whatever it may be - I know plenty of Muslims who would very quickly forswear any connection between what they believe and what you believe) falls under.
Isn't the accepted Anglicised spelling Qur'an? As for these translations? Whatever. If the book is translated or reinterpreted in any way then it changes. It's meaning changes.

Currently that meaning is being translated by a minority as "kill as many people as possible in the name of God and then seek the protection of the legal systems created by those you wish to kill".

Why do so many Imam issue so many edicts? If the Qur'an is so good and infallible why can't people just read the book?
Except it doesn't. The Taliban actually advocate killing little girls because they dare seek an education. Please do explain why women shouldn't be educated?
In Islam killing anyone without justication is forbidden. The reason ppl don't want to judge by the Qur'an is because it means giving up personal desire hence why some muslim scholars said the current rulers of the muslims in the muslim lands are not muslim and have called the muslims to to topple them.
It is known worldwide amongst the muslims that this practice of women not being educated is not from Islam and has nothing no basis within shariah, it is from Afghani culture and in fact goes against the teachings of Islam, and for them to blow up schools and shoot women who want to educate themselves they are sinful, but on this point in the west also used to have this culture of not educating women whereas at that time and even today, the muslims have had and still do have female scholars and achedemics all over the world, our scholars have always been championing womens education even when the west was against it, as one of our great scholars said "To educate a man is to educate only one person but to educate our women is to educate generations as the women spend more time with our children." In Islam the mother is considered your childs first teacher so if she's uneducated how does this help your child.
If you believe that Islam doesn't encourage women learning, didn't have the first University in the world with women learning. And actually believe the bolded words from your quote, you need to do a little more research.
A well balanced article on education in islamic countries.

Isnt it strange that people always judge a religion on its idealised form, and not how its actively being applied in the world, and yet never judge post enlightenment western goverment and science in the same light.
As a general point, the recent arab spring movement also showed the development in many states with high concentration of muslim people the wish for democracy.