in the bible does it say to shun others who do not believe in the words of


New member
Jan 21, 2011
jesus christ? i know this is controversial (i apologize) but i want a verse if you can find me one. and yes the bible says to spread the word of jesus and the heavenly father, but it also says so much about being kind to thy neighbor and being good to others in general. i am just wondering if someone could find me a verse that states why people shun others for not believing in the bible, and why some christians find it necessary to harass (with picketing and screaming at people that they will go to hell and such) to spread the word. i cannot find any myself, everything i have read has not exactly gone against this specific type of harassment but in general has stated that harassing and being mean and cruel to others is wrong.

and just for reference, i am 100% christian. so by this i am not trying to bash christianity, i am sorry if you see it that way, because it is not my intention at all. i am just curious where these people read in the bible to spread the word this way.
ill burn you with truth- the first 2 just says if someone does not listen to your words of truth "shake the dust off your feet" or let it go "let him be" who they are and they will be judged by the higher power when it is their time. neither of those say to shun others or attack them. and the last one is actually about marriage intermixed with other religions which is prohibited by the bible, if you read the whole scripture outside of that verse you would see that.