In Search of Higgs Boson

I think the research should continue.

Sure you can argue that the money should be spent on a cure for Aids, but why do they want to find a cure? Billions are being made with the drugs already available and drugs companies have a duty to their shareholders not to cure Aids.

There are reseach facilities being funded to find out why tomatoes go rotton once picked, now that is a waste of public money.

We have no idea just how big this project can get in terms of it's findings. We must continue.
So, are you suggesting that all the money in the world should stop being spent until a cure for Aids is found?

Why is Aids the big poster boy for funding need? Aids is now a disease which you can more or less life a normal life span with if you have access to the drugs. Many said drugs are now becoming generic and as such are very cheap and make the drug companies that developed then no money. Aids is fundamentally a disease of poverty and reduction in poverty in Africa will have much more of an impact than any drug you could develop.

To suggest that no companies are looking at a "cure" is almost laughable, the company that develops anything close to a cure will earn not only Nobel prizes, a huge amount of prestige but more importantly a massive amount of money.

Just look at the guy who proved that stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria and not by stress. Barry Marshall got a Nobel prize and wiped out the antacid market overnight.

Added to this is the fact that alcohol kills many more people than Aids and smoking kills more than alcohol (figures differ on this).
Um, no, hes suggesting that money is not (which is untrue, money is being spent) being spent on Aids because of a conspiracy to protect the profits of white upper class business men at the cost of poor black African children, to elaborate. He went on to suggest that other funding streams were being wasted (Pickled tomatoes) by not putting that cash toward Aids research.

He was just one step short of calling anyone who bought a sandwich off the shelf today instead of donating that money to Aids research a murderer.
I just knew as soon as I mentioned Aids the thread would take a different direction.

Of course funding for Aids should continue, as should funding for cancer, famine, drought, floods and whatever else causes human suffering. However, this is not the Aids thread and if you think the Hadron Collider should not get public funding then say so, but don't go off on a thread derailing rant.

Lets get back to the science.

We know that the collider is firing protons together and I believe that when they collide the accumulated mass is less than that of a single proton, the rest of the energy is given off as heat.

Am I correct in thinking this is the basic equation e=mc2?
I should have said IPA, not Pale Ale.

A good IPA is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Well, at least for the few minutes it takes to neck a pint. Plus it's usually strong and properly made, not like lager nonsense.

It's for sipping and savouring really, not necking. You can get a bottle in most supermarkets if you fancy trying it

Now, here's a complete tangent; can anyone explain the differences between fission and fusion when it comes to nuclear power stations, then make a quick stab at explaining cold fusion and how it may/may not work?

Strangely this is now back on topic I'll give it a go, sipping might be a new experience. Don't even sip wine nowadays
Much better explanations of people who understand pyshics but to see if I paid attention in science: Fission is what we use now in nuclear reactors where a proton (?) is torn apart by firing something at it. Fusion is the exact opposite and would create energy by melding protons together pretty much the same basic idea the HLC is for but with less god particles.

Cold fusion, afaik, is doing the same stuff but without the extreme temperature's created by the process. I guess doing it without so much heat means less energy would be converted to heat?

Thats a basic gcse answer and I'll await correction but hopefully thats a tiny bit helpful

EDIT: Also the internet is biased against normal people, i can't look any of this up on wiki without already understanding quite a bit about particle pyshics.
That's a fab start.

Now I as an ex English teacher will take your, "less god particles" and raise you a "fewer." ;p
