In celebration of the humble foodstuff that is toast!


New member
Mar 2, 2008
Well, this morning I was enjoying a lovely round of toast, white Kingsmill toasty- crunchy on the outside,fluffy on the inside ,with real butter on. It got me thinking of the times toast has got me through, the bad times, the hangovers, the weeks at uni when I ran out of money. It's comforting but yet so very versatile. Brown for main, white for pudding

Toast, the food that never fails to satisfy
I tried giving up bread, lasted a couple of days! Not really sure why I tried giving it up

Mmmm heinz beans and sausages on toast Nutella on toast........................
Oh yeah! I'm a big fan of toast especially when using rye. Pumpernickel rye is the best with sweet-cream butter and a glass of whole milk. YUMMY!!!!
what is up with brits and toast? Am I missing something? lol...

Toasted bread. OooOOoOoooOOooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Though toasted pumpernickel and peanut butter puts me into a lovely coma for a few minutes.
Lol I too just went out and bought some of my favourite warburtons extra extra thick toastie bread and blackcurrant jam in celebration
I love PB on my rye toast. This will sound odd but it's good on things like dill rye and onion rye as well.
I had a very enjoyable round of toast on my way to work this morning. Extra extra double thick toasty with blackcurrant jam (which I just realised is all round my mouth now)
Just had two slices of Wholemeal toast, two fried eggs, mushrooms, tinned plum tomatoes and a couple of hash browns, washed down with Assam tea for Breakfast at work.

Just what I needed for my non-carb diet, a toast thread

Mmm, cheese on toast with drops of sauce, PB & J toasted, ham and cheese toasties, cheese and beans toasties, beans on toast, meatballs in toast, fried egg in toast, toast dipped in tea, or just plain hot toast with a generous helping of butter. The potential is endless...

Im a toast lover! Although im going to be a bit racist and say white bread is the sporn of the devil!

No it's got to be brown, Ohhh, you can’t beat a bit of toast under beans after a hard workout washed down with a tine shake! Orgasmatron!!!