In a same-sex relationship?


May 25, 2008
In a same-sex relationship (esp. girl-girl) when both people are in high school (17&18 yrs. old respectively) does one still generally have the sit down "what are the intentions with my daughter?"conversation with the other girl's parents just like the boy in a boy-girl relationship might?
Thank you for your time :D
If the person's out to their parents && the parents are open, then maybe. But that is so outdat'd I can't imagine any parent I know doing that really, unless the couple was older && marriage was being spoke of.
My friend's dad is really strict on her dating. She invited her boyfriend over so that him and her dad could have that talk. Then she dated a girl and they had the same talk. I think if the daughter is more of the girl role and her girlfriend is more of the guy role, then yes you can still have that talk. If it's reversed, it probably isn't necessary.