I'm really sad because of what someone said to me on a chat site?

Jun 22, 2013
I know it was stupid to even be on there, but I was on omegle (wasn't doing something bad) on video and this teenage girl and guy came up (i think they're a little younger than me, im 18) and they started asking if i was male or female (im a girl which i thought looked obvious but then started doubting), then they're like dang you ugly (i do think the lighting wasnt flattering), then pointed out a lazy eye. which I don't have a lazy eye its just one eyelid is slightly droopier than another and I was tired so I think it was more noticeable. anyways i played it off and acted like it didn't bother me and just said lol and you guys are funny so they thought I thought it was funny.but after that I couldn't stop crying I know I shouldn't take it to heart but I can't help it I already wasn't feeling hot as it was and I don't think they were just trolling since they pointed out actual thing, then I thought on the webcam at least I did look kind of like a man. Then I started getting paranoid because before that chat there were these guys sitting there and they werent saying anything but just laughing (not sure if it was me or something else) but i started thinking they were laughing at me.

i was feeling confident earlier today but now I just feel plain ugly and as much as I want to I can't stop crying and feeling really hurt and insecure. I wanna go back on there just to see if anyone will think I'm attractive (people earlier today said so but now I can't believe it). and i just keep wondering if they really meant it or not and I just feel really ugly :( Please help?
Fuck them. There just fucking haters to the fullest. They clearly have no conscious therefore no heart. I'm sure your beautiful indide and out. The Internet is a cruel place. I've had my share of hate mail and chats. You learn and grow stronger from that and ya know what you do? Guck them all cus they ain't worth a shit hunny:)
Kids are rude and immature. Don't take anything they said to heart. They were looking to hurt someone's feelings. Be confident in who you are and love yourself regardless. <3
You're beautiful so don't worry about it. People like them are very typical online trust me. So you just have to learn to leave when you run into them. Don't worry, you aren't anything they said trust me.