I'm ranting about science...... just read, please?


New member
Sep 26, 2009
And I recognizethat my grammar could easily be taken to have been written by a 10 year old, but I don't care to fix it.
Before this gets deleted for being, like, a disscussion, or whatever it is people report stuff for:

I just read on here that if it weren't for science, we wouldn't have genetics, and these are all here thanks to evolution! (slightly revised, but more-or-less the same)

"When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves"
-- Confucius
Why is it that if you see something contradictory to what you believe, you become enraged; you are simply scanning over what you read so that you can insult the person more sooner? Don't take this as an insult--just try to keep an open mind. If you aren't going to be willing to, please do not bother reading further. :)
Don't say I'm extremely biased towards Christianity, because I have done much research on other religions, and I so far have found Christianity to be best. It has geographic, historic, and scientific evidence on its side. Don't be annoyed at me for saying it has scientific evidence--I'll explain later. For now, don't let past prejudices affect you.


Now, that away, people think that there is so much evidence, and even proof for evolution. Fact is, there is some evidence, but not enough. There is no proof for evolution, but there is also no proof for anythign else.

We exist in something so vague, that is always contradicting itself. Scientists have so often 'proven' one thing, and disproven it later, whether this be a couple days later, or a couple centuries later. Supposedly even over half of all scientific discoveries have been disproven later on, and they're still open to be reproven. But even so, our mind doesn't show us what is true. Our mind is a physical being, existing inside itself, showing only a mass of combined experiences and such.... do a google search for 'everythig is illusion', and about a third of what you find is similar to what I believe.

So in actuallity, nothing could have really been 'proven'; only accepted for a period of time. Has gravity been proven? What if everything just so happened to fly in the right direction every time? We can't say for sure.

Math is interesting. Did you know that if smoething has less than a 1 in 10^50 percent chance of happening, that mathemetichians say that no matter how much time it's given, it can't happen?
Well, do any of you like math? Do the math for evolution; the chance of life starting on its own (if that were even possible!,) that odds of it surviving, evolving, surviving, spoutting a brain, surviving, etc., etc., etc.. The odds are MUCH smaller than 1 in 10^50. I have more of a life than sitting around doing math for the next 30 years, so I will simply tell you what I do know: it will not happen. It simply can not happen. I won't spam you with the zeros (even in 10^-1 form), so that's all I'll say. It simply can not happen.

Now, I KNOW THESE SEEM RATHER FAKE, and half of them probably are, but notice how they all follow the same basic idea....

"Perhaps it was not Jesus who had abandoned them, but they who had fled from the Light that showed up their darkness."--George Ritchie

Interesting, but I must question some of them.........

Now, hwo long have Christianity and science been supportive of each other?! Quite awhile. Science has come to a stand still ever since athesists destroyed it. They bent so much evidence, and ahve actually destroyed footprints next to preserved dinosaur prints. Sad....
But have you ever noticed how a lot of great scientists were Christian? Find a list of scientists who were Christian. Did Isaac Newton contribute to science? Yes, he did. A lot of scientists already knew what guidelines to follow: the Bible. If I believe that everything works in an order, then I will study according to that, and that is clearly rather true. NOW, evolution assumes that everything is by chance, still just bouding about. That we are here--which alone, I believe, disproves evolution. In fact, I think the very Buddhist belief disproves evolution without any argument having been given. Just research it a little.

Without God, where did anything come from? Explain how reality came to exist? I can explain how this can be explained with God.. but not tonight. Tomorrow.. tomorrow evening.. I dunno...... E-mail me.. I'll make that avaliable.

I don't know if I addressed everything i intended to, but I may need a proof-reader other than myself before long. And a publisher......

Anyways..... I'll stop my rant. Muhahaha.

Please... if the only argument you can think of is insulting me, then just..... don't. Unless you really feel the need to, in which case you can E-mail me and not spam up the place here.

@person whom I forgot the username of
"Evolution has an overwhelming about of evidence for anyone to see if they really want to see it. Problem is religion makes people blind to other ideas. "

I wanna argue with that. I have studies many religions fully willing to discard Christianity if I find it to be false, and many other Christians have. Evolutoin does the same thing! The Media feeds us soo much..... do some research on that.

"I am open to other ideas when evidence and reasoned logic is applied, but a dirt man and rib woman sounds very ridiculous to me, and unless there is some sort of evidence to support it I consider it a fairy tale."

Oh, I suppose a spec of dust blowing up and then having life evolve from it is better..... sorry, but that is sad.
:) Amusing how you are so quick to jump right back into "There overwhelming evidence for evolution!" and still neglect to give it to me. I've begged people to tell me, but I never got it.

But BTW, thanks for the links! I've been searching for a source of evidence for evolution... I've not yet read it, but I shall! It's not easy to find.........
How can you calculate the chances for evolution?

1 in 10^50 can happen. A deck of playing cards in any particular order is about 1 in 6x10^60. If what you say is true then playing cards can not be in any particular order. For that to be true then cards cannot exist
My first observation is that you should ask yourself "Why is it that if you see something contradictory to what you believe, you become enraged...", and try to understand that you have a very poor concept of what science is, what level it is at, what we know and just how wrong your concept of our knowledge about evolution is.

Ask yourself, why do you assume that there must be a God? If you were a scientist or had what should be a High School understanding of how science works, you would not assume that there is a god, you would hypothesize it, and design tests to confirm or dismiss it. Another method would be to examine the claims for God and see what predictions these would make and what evidence would satisfy them.

Having done this already, I can tell you that the hypothesis of a god fails.
There is a supra-temporal/spatial matter/movement realm.
You are beneath it. Beneath meaning you are not that good; rather than gravitationally relative to.

God has all-knowledge.
That's it.
That's the beauty of science, it will admit when it's wrong, but your example of evolution is laughable at best. When has anything in modern science been COMPLETELY (that's what you are saying) off base for 150 years. You just don't get it, for over a century ALL scientists have been trying to prove it wrong and it has only grown MUCH stronger. A scientist would get a Nobel prize if they could prove it wrong, it would be revolutionary. On the other hand you have your "God STORY) that has NO evidence what so ever and is indistinguishable from any of the thousands of other ancient myths. Of course you don't see this obvious fact because you are EXTREMELY biased to your eternal life PROMISE. Lose the promise and I'm sure you would see much more clearly, you know like myself and any atheist scientist that has nothing to gain by being right about evolution. You have everything to lose if you aren't right.
Evolution is the best answer we have to date. There may be something that we find later, but the story of creation in the Bible has absolutely no evidence or even reasoned logic to support it.

Evolution has an overwhelming about of evidence for anyone to see if they really want to see it. Problem is religion makes people blind to other ideas.

I am open to other ideas when evidence and reasoned logic is applied, but a dirt man and rib woman sounds very ridiculous to me, and unless there is some sort of evidence to support it I consider it a fairy tale.

Also the Bible has nothing that shows it to be a "real" story. If I wrote a fairy tale today, I can make the same evidence appear that is in the Bible. If you think about it you will know what I am saying is true. Problem is again, religion does close peoples minds to the real evidence and facts that really exist.
hmm interesting. i agree people get angry when their belief system is challenged
There is vast, overwhelming evidence for biological evolution. It is one of the best supported theories in all of science, at least as well supported as the existence of atoms. The fact that you refuse to read any of it doesn't make it go away. Besides, what are you worried about? If evolution is a fact, it cannot possibly conflict with true religious beliefs. Truth cannot conflict with truth. Or are you insecure about the truth of what you believe?


Please visit this website: http://www.songofgeneis.org
Don't worry - it's all about God being the creator of the universe, but I think it will answer some of the problems you are having regarding science.

Science and religion are not at odds with one another. Evolution is a fact, look up the definition of "theory" in the American Dictionary and use the first one which is the correct one when discussing evolution.

If you don't like fossils, that's fine. There is plenty of other evidence in genetics, embryology, morphology and every other biological science.

You are trying to apply math to this "problem" of yours, when in fact, mathematics supports evolution, the concept of an "old" universe as opposed to one being 6,000 years old, and every other scientific concept. In fact, if the math doesn't work, scientists go back to the drawing board. This is the strength of science, not a weakness, that every concept is subjected to rigorous scrutiny.

Genesis contains powerful messages, truthful messages, but it is not a science textbook. It is about mankind's unique relationship with God, and His plan for our redemption.
Science explains how God's power works in our physical universe, but does not seek to explain our spiritual journey.
"Do the math for evolution;"

You do it, and prove it to us. In truth, the chance of abiogenesis and evolution producing all life on Earth is 100%, because that's what happened.
You are correct in one premise, that there is no proof in science. However, while we cannot definitively prove anything, we can be very close. In light of new evidence, a theory will always be slightly refined, but never redefined.
"...new findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than an hypothesis."
— John Paul II, 1996[26]