I'm having trouble with members of the opposite sex?


New member
Dec 23, 2009
So basically I am very nervous around men. And I grew up in a female household and school. In college I realise I can't seem to make friends with them. Like they're a whole new species. When I do chat when them I can't help but flirt with them/ eye them sexually. Or feel really nervous. It's by reflex I don't purposefully do that. But yeah anyway I seem to not know where the boundary for friends is when hanging out with men. They seem to think that i'm a tease. Although of course I'm totally inexperienced.

Another problem is I seem to get crushes on unattainable men, like my lecturer eetc.

PS-my parents were neglectful since I was young And my mom always warn mean that men are basically 'vile rapists'. So i do fear them.

Another thing is I seem to want to be looked at somewhat sexually by men. I mean like anyone from my classmates to my tutor to to people i dunno that look good. My ego goes to zero and i get upset if they don't. Maybe I'm a whore-at-heart. I dunno. But i feel so weird and uncomfortable with sexuality sex and men and all these things.

I'm a woman.

Also, I forgot to mention that I had a guy 'friend'. I thought he was a friend. Until he nearly took advantage of me when I was drunk. Now he's an ex-guy friend