i'm from dekalb illinois .is there anywhere in my area to train for pro


New member
Jul 21, 2008
fighting like mma.? i want to become a pro fighter.thats all i've done all my life but went to prison for it.i'm loking to whoop ass and get my ass whooped and not get in any trouble. i'm up for backyard fighting for money also.i'm 5'10 165lbs and in great shape will take all comers.
Man, get your head on straight! You want to back to prison and piss the rest of your life away? Then go ahead and do the backyard fighting thing and feel 'tough'


Go to a gym and start training MMA - if you can't find a MMA gym in DeKalb, just go to any gym and start asking around, someone will point you in the right direction, even a YMCA. Then work every waking second to be a professional fighter - in every sense of the word, that means no street fights, no smoking/drinking, learning respect for your opponets, yourself and anyone that steps in a ring/cage. After 6 months get into an amatuer MMA match, then go from there.

It doesn't matter if you think your tough because you went to prison for fighting - if you do not have the mental discipline, maturity and respect it takes you will NOT be a pro fighter, you won't make it.

And your lucky you just went to prison - in Chicago the cops would have just shot and killed your ass then gotten a medal for it.

Change your life and do it for real, or you'll just be a thug.