im feeling worthless because im gay help?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
all my life i thought i was Straight had crushes on boys and all but the past few months i was playing with the idea i might be gay and eventually realized i am. its so confusing the thing i am most scared of is being hurt by other girls in a relationship its this fear i have that lesbian relationships are like mean or something. i know its just inner homophobia but i still feel bad and worthless i need help..
Oh dear! We had the stress about boys and now we're having it about girls! If you are a teenager, you're sexuality is naturally all over the damn place. You are in a natural state of flux, so if I were you, I'd avoid labelling myself as anyhing. Everything will settle down in the end and your sexuality will naturally take on a maturity to match your body. Don't stress about it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, straight, bi or anything in between.
your purpose on earth is to be fruitful and multiply and being in a gay relationship you cant multiply so maybe in a way you are worthless not tryna be rude just my opinion to each his own
You are worthlless only when you believe you are. We are all just the same inside. We are all human.