im about to get a nicotine test and i need help on how to pass it?


New member
Sep 4, 2010
Okay my parents are abt to give me a nicotine test and i have smoked today! what should i do?! i have been drinking alot if water and eating lemons to kind of water it down a little bit but is there anything else i can do?
Nicotine breaks down to COT.

In order to know the fact as to how long nicotine stays in your system, you need to remember the duration of smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Usually nicotine persists in the body for 2-4 days but in some cases it may also last for a few months. However, in the case of passive smoking the nicotine remains in the body for a long time. The presence of nicotine is usually detected in the urine, blood, and hair follicle through medical tests.
If you've smoked today, then you won't pass. Water, lemons, or anything else is not going to help. Its in your blood stream and you can't change that.
Why in the world are they getting you a nicotinet test? Sounds odd.
If you've smoked today, then you won't pass. Water, lemons, or anything else is not going to help. Its in your blood stream and you can't change that.
Why in the world are they getting you a nicotinet test? Sounds odd.