I'm a bisexual in desperate need of advice!!!?


New member
Aug 27, 2008
So I told the girl I love that I'm in love with her....she is also my best friend. I told her the only way I can get over her is by having her tell me that she can't have feelings for me. So she told me that as much as she cares about as a friend she doesn't think we can be anything more.

Now it's been a little over a day and she hasn't really talked to me. She was suppose to come meet me and some friends tonight but she didn't. Everything with her seems really awkward but I just want us to stay best friends. What should I do????
Don't jump to conclusions because of one little day. A lotta women do this they always use emotion in everything. let it cool down and then let her know like: look girl are we still coo cause if we ain't then Imma find somebody else to kick it wit.
Give her some space, she's shocked that you like her.

Maybe, as hard as this sounds, that when she said "we can't be anything anymore" that she doesn't want to be friends.

Maybe if she is a true friend she'll come around, but give her some space and know that you'll never be with her.
ok so I had the same EXACT problem...

One night i called him i told him that i loved him( best frinds for 10 years) and that i knew he didnt love me back. I told him i just needed to hear him say that....well he did. Needless to say i was heart broken.....but now for some odd reason, i dont care anymore. What im guessing is that your friend just didnt want to make the meeting uncomfortable.Let her come around to it for a little while.. This is shocking news to her.... Once she has it sunk in Talk to her about it and let her know your feelings:D