I'm a bi girl and I have a crush on my lesbian friend how do I woo her heart?


New member
Nov 17, 2012
She and I have like 5 classes together. We're friends and I've known her since last year but we got closer this year and she's a lesbian and I'm bi so its cool but I know that as of a few weeks ago she was hung up on some girl that had rejected her that she had liked for like three years and I'm like the most socially awkward person in the world. We've both never been in a relationship and I'm not exactly the most confident person in the world because I'm really overweight (I'm working on that though) and I've been rejected a lot in the past and friendzoned and all that. I think my goal right now is to hang out with her outside of school but shes got a lot of club commitments and shes really busy and all i want to do is kiss her and be around her and i just want us to be together and i need advice as to how to make that happen. Please help me??? :3 if it helps, we're both 17.