Im 8 weeks pregnant now & my husband smokes weed.?


New member
Mar 13, 2013
I'm 8 weeks pregnant & 4 days will my baby come out sick cause my husband smokes weed ? I really want my baby go come out healthy .
Thanks !
Inhaling smoke even when your not pregnant is bad for you so being around it now probably isn't good...
Weed is not as dangerous as alot of other things out there. If you don't smoke then he shouldnt smoke around you, he could go outside or in a ventilated room. You can smoke marijuana and still be a parent. I know dozens of parents who smoke but I grew up in southern california, not in a 1930's prohibitionist community.

One thumbs downer typical, oh well most people are educated enough to know tobacco and alcohol have far more side effects and don't even get me started on pills. If pot is so bad why do many doctors prescribe it as medicine? Do your research Nay-sayers, because you all look stupid. What do you have against consenting adults making their own choices without the government getting involved? Tell me!
No. Studies show that if you (pregnant lady) smoke regularly, you may be at risk for lower birth rate and shorter gestational period, and some other things that are debatable.
Are you smoking weed? Is he doing it around you? If you're not smoking or inhaling anything your baby will be fine.
You should tell him to choose between you and being a father to his baby or his drug use and you shouldn't be around him when he is smoking.

I know a lot of people will say its just weed but you don't know what it can do to someone who is pregnant or a baby and why should you take the risk? Why would he continue to smoke that when he knows he will be a father?

Don't put up with this!
Nope ut baby should be fine. Secind hand smoke will harm you and maybe even get u high..when i was preggo with my first her dad smoked weed around me all the time and i had a healthy baby girl. But it made me sick to be around it so i had to leave the room. Just go to a different roim or have him smoke outside so he doesnt harm u with second hand smoke, get u high or the baby high