Im 19 years old girl and horny basically ALL the time in long distance relationship,


New member
Oct 4, 2011
what to do? So I am in a long distance relationship with a guy who i really love and its been just over a month now. We are only gonna see each other around Christmas for 2weeks and we wont be able to til next August.
we used to have very active sex life, and now , its killing me,
we do phone sex, video call, and watch porn and all the stuff but i just can't stop being horny all the time. like literally i think about sex all day wishing my boyfriend was here !
and why am I sooo horny? i've NEVER been this horny before not even during my puberty !!
Well, the fact that you're in love could be a benefactor. Also, that you are in love you want to make love so when you think about your think about making love which leads to you being horny. I say go home, lock your door, take off your clothes and enjoy a little "you" time. Seriously, it'll help.